Upcoming Events
Crisis on the Temple Mount: Religious Freedom & International Law
Tuesday, June 14, 12 PM – 1:30 PM
The Temple Mount continues to draw international attention as a flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The question of whether Jews should be permitted to worship at their holiest site is central to dispute. Many say that Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount amounts to a violation of the unwritten “status quo” at the site. We will examine the dispute in light of international law, especially with regards to international religious freedom. Are there well-regarded international precedents for human rights law tolerating the banning of worship by a particular religion?
This event will be held over Zoom.
Click here to register.
Settlers in Syria: Turkish Population Transfers in Northern Syria
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Turkey’s 2018 incursion into Syria garnered international attention, but what has occurred since hasn’t. Not only does Turkey occupy large swaths of Syrian territory, but it also has resettled thousands of people into areas it occupies and in ways that significantly affect the ethnic demographics of the region. This conference will examine these possible population transfers from the perspective of international law. Featuring Professor Ryan Gingeras (Naval Postgraduate School), Aykan Erdemir (Foundation for the Defense of Democracies), Dr. Edy Cohen (Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies), Professor Chris Jenks (Southern Methodist University), Dr. Kurt Werthmuller (U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom), and Professor Eugene Kontorovich (George Mason University, CMEIL).
Click here to register.
The New U.S. Recognition Policy: What the Golan and Western Sahara Mean for the Law
Thursday, December 16th, 2021, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Research symposium with Prof. Avi Bell (University of San Diego School of Law), Prof. Julian Ku (Hofstra University, Maurice A. Deane School of Law), Prof. Milena Sterio (Cleveland-Marshall College of Law), and Prof. Eugene Kontorovich (Antonin Scalia Law School/CMEIL). This symposium will be held in conjunction with the George Mason International Law Journal. To register for this event, please visit here .
The Constitutionality of Anti-BDS Laws: What the First En Banc Decision Might Say
Tuesday, October 26th, 2021, 12 PM – 1:30 PM
Panel discussion featuring Prof. Amanda Shanor (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School), Prof. Eugene Volokh (UCLA Law School), and Seth Waxman (former Solicitor General). Moderated by CMEIL Executive Director, Prof. Eugene Kontorovich.
Click here to register for Zoom event.
Workshop: Product Labeling, Territorial Disputes, and International Trade After the ECJ’s Psagot Ruling
Friday, January 17, 2020, 9 AM -12 PM
Arlington, VA
The European Court of Justice recently ruled that Israeli products from the West Bank and Golan Heights must have origin labelling that declares their provenance as being from “settlements” in “occupied territory.” This workshop seeks to examine the labelling requirements from an international trade law perspective. Does international trade law require labelling of goods from occupied territories? If so, what other territories might such requirements apply to? What are the consequences of the EU limiting its “ethical” labelling requirements to Israeli-controlled territories?
More information for this event can be found here.